On Instagram, fashion designer Christian Cowan put Khloé on the spot for not returning a dress he loaned her to wear. And to make matters worse, Khloé put his garment on Kardashian Kloset, the Kardashian and Jenner's fashion site where they list previously worn clothing for sale. Christian
posted his findings to his Instagram Stories, writing, "@khloekardashian why are my runway samples I loaned you being sold on your website? We emailed 3 times and had no response." Awk.
This isn't the first time Khloé has faced
clothing-related accusations. Back in 2017, she came under fire for stealing Destiney Bleu's designs,
the designer of the famous d.bleu.dazzled sheer rhinestone bodysuits.
Khloé started selling a replica of Destiney's design
in her Good American line, and Destiney later revealed she sent Khloé one of
each item of hers with receipts
from November 2016 to back up her claims. "When someone buys 1 of
everything on your site, has you make them custom @dbleudazzled work, never
posts it or wears it, then copies it," Destiney wrote on Twitter.
As of right now, the Christian Cowan dress is
nowhere to be seen on Kardashian Kloset, so it's very likely that Khloé's team
took it down from the site.
Credit: Cosmopolitan
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